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Thank you for a beautiful end to the 127th season!

On the first summer day, 21 June, we closed our 127th season with a traditional Open Air Concert. Thousands of listeners came to join us, despite fears of bad weather. Thank you for your support.

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This year we played our instruments on Hradčanské náměstí during the traditional Open Air Concert. The intense heat during the preparations, the fear of rainy weather and the rehearsal interrupted by a storm did not stop us. And the weather forecasts didn't stop you. We hope you enjoyed the concert thoroughly, whether you were with us in the square or at home in front of the screens.

We thank you for ending the season together and we are already looking forward to the next one. The 128th season of the Czech Philharmonic will start on 27 September with the Opening Concert.

We look forward to seeing you there!

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