
For preschools and schools

Our programmes for preschools and the individual grades of elementary and secondary school will definitely convince pupils of all ages that classical music need not always be serious and certainly should never be dull.

We accept ticket orders for programs for schools in the 2024/2025 season from 3. 6. 2024 20.00. Thank you.

The Little Rudolfinum

The Little Rudolfinum
  • Workshop
  • For preschools and schools

Music workshops for all curious pre-school children (and others) and for the adults accompanying them. Our experienced and friendly lecturers Lucie Hlavičková, Olga Kozánková, and Jan Kyjovský reveal secret musical treasures to the children and introduce them to the musicians and their instruments. Join us on an adventure to discover the world of music.

Dan Brown - Wild Symphony

Dan Brown - Wild Symphony
  • Workshop
  • For preschools and schools

With our guide Maestro Mouse, we're going to explore Dan Brown's lovely book Wild Symphony. We'll meet all kinds of animal musicians like the Clumsy Kittens Busy Beetles, go on a Cheetah Chase, and watch the Swans in the Mist. To Dan Brown's poems and little symphonic pieces, we'll add singing, movement, and games.

A Little Train Ride with Dvořák

A Little Train Ride with Dvořák
  • Workshop
  • For preschools and schools

The journey can be the destination. Come with us to a chamber concert of Antonín Dvořák’s music. Where are we going? As far as America. How are we travelling? With Dvořák’s favourite means of transport of course. Who is coming with us? The Norbert Quartet, real musical experts.

Martha in the Realm of Musical Wonders II

Martha in the Realm of Musical Wonders II
  • Annotated concert
  • For preschools and schools

Together with the actress Martha Issová, we are going to discover a land of wonders – and not only musical ones. Our new programme, based on a script by Alice Nellis, introduces music as a part of life. We’ll discover how music can help us in our lives, where its power comes from, and above all… magic. It wouldn’t work without the musicians – the Czech Philharmonic Cimbalom Ensemble is looking forward to seeing you.

Musicians, What Are You Doing?

Musicians, What Are You Doing?
  • Workshop
  • For preschools and schools

We wander over the mountains, across Moravia and Slovakia, to see what music dancing are like when done eagerly. We'll plunk on the cimbalom and fiund out what it's like to lead playing the violin or to accompany playing double bass or viola, and at the end, we'll dance together. What fun!

Hocus Pocus Conductor

Hocus Pocus Conductor
  • Workshop
  • For preschools and schools

Have you ever wondered why a man in tails in front of the orchestra is waving his arms so vigorously? And what is in his hand? Is it a magic wand with which he casts spells or controls the minds of the musicians? Conductor, choirmaster and Czech Philharmonic oboist Vojtěch Jouza will answer all these questions.

From the Percussion Kitchen

From the Percussion Kitchen
  • Workshop
  • For preschools and schools

Come see and hear a remarkable number of percussion instruments! You will visit a world of traditional and exotic percussion: coconuts, gourds, and even hooves. We’ll show you the influence rhythmic accompaniments have on the sound of classical compositions, and there will also be film music.

Music behind Bars!

Music behind Bars!
  • Workshop
  • For preschools and schools

How does it feel to find yourself locked up behind the bars… And all that moving! You have to be really strong to keep going! Who will be able to master a fingerboard as long as a court case? And where does walking bass come from? Philharmonic musician Adam Honzírek will strike a playful note, not afraid of even the hardest strings.

Travelogue 1608

Travelogue 1608
  • Workshop
  • For preschools and schools

Kryštof was adventurous by nature; he had to be courageous and determined when he set out on such a long journey. He also showed his courage and creativity when he came back home to this country, where he was able to win the favour of Emperor Rudolf II. Even 400 years later, we can take inspiration from this important nobleman.

Smetanissimo • Escape game

Smetanissimo  •  Escape game
  • Workshop
  • For preschools and schools

You can't stop progress. We send emails instead of letters,  read e-books instead of paper ones, and encyclopedias are just online these days. What if the virtual world arrived in museums as well? Can your team solve everything necessary in an escape game and rescue important artefacts from the life of a great composer?


  • Annotated concert
  • For preschools and schools

Time is speeding up. Artificial intelligence is no longer just science fiction. Get ready for a daring breakthrough in the music world - the concert iPhilharmonic, where orchestral musicians will be led not by a robitic hand with a baton, but directly by an interactive application. We'll show you that music is just as powerful as algorithms.

Steps to the New World • A cycle of concerts with commentary

Steps to the New World  •  A cycle of concerts with commentary
  • Annotated concert
  • For preschools and schools

Our concerts with the Czech Philharmonic Youth Orchestra tend to be voyages of discovery. We often attempt (figuratively) to get inside composers’ heads to see how they thought when writing a particular work, or we look for the important crossroads that were decisive for the form a work would take. But above all, we discover the music itself. After all, classical music does not have to be something remote (to the contrary, it can be one of the kinds of music closest to us) if we open ourselves up and devote real interest and attention to it. And if we like it at least a little bit. Then we always find more in it than we might expect.