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Vasilij Petrenko will conduct the December Series B concerts

At the December concerts of Series B, instead of Tugan Sokhiev, Vasily Petrenko will conduct the Czech Philharmonic. Currently, he holds the position of Music Director of the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra and Chief Conductor of the European Union Youth Orchestra.

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Vasily Petrenko last performed with the Czech Philharmonic in 2012, when he was the chief conductor of the Liverpool Philharmonic. He will now take up three subscription concerts on 13, 14 and 15 December with the original programme. Debussy's Prélude à l'après-midi d'un faune will be performed, pianist Pierre-Laurent Aimard will join the orchestra in Maurice Ravel's Piano Concerto and the evening will conclude with a performance of Mussorgsky's Pictures at an Exhibition in Ravel's instrumentation.

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