
Overview of price categories

The next season is already knocking on the doors of concert halls. To make sure you don't get lost between the seats, below you will find an overview of the price categories of seats in the Dvořák Hall, Suk Hall and Martinů Hall. We look forward to your visit.

Dvořák Hall

Image en-cenove-kategorie-dvorakova-sin.jpg
Image en-cenove-kategorie-plan-dvorakova-sin.png

Suk Hall

Image cenove-kategorie-sukova-sin.png
Image ed-cenove-kategorie-plan-sukova-sin.png

Martinů Hall

Image price-categories-martinu-hall.png
Image en-cenove-kategorie-plan-sin-martinu.png

Need some advice? Czech Philharmonic Customer Service will assist you

Every weekday 9.00-18.00. In July and August until 15.00.

On the day of the concert of the Czech Philharmonic until the beginning of the concert. Valid for weekdays only.