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Dvořák Prague International Music Festival • Rusalka


Antonín Dvořák
Rusalka, op. 114, B. 203


Asmik Grigorian Rusalka
Dmytro Popov Prince
Jan Martiník Water goblin
Jamie Barton Witch
Jana Kurucová Foreign princess
Markéta Klaudová First wood sprite
Markéta Cukrová Second wood sprite
Monika Jägerová Third wood sprite
Štěpánka Pučálková Kitchen boy
Boris Prýgl Gamekeeper
Jiří Brückler Hunter

Prague Philharmonic Choir
Lukáš Vasilek choirmaster

Semyon Bychkov conductor

Czech Philharmonic

Photo illustrating the event Dvořák Prague International Music Festival • Rusalka

Rudolfinum — Dvořák Hall

The event has passed
The event has passed
The event has passed
Price from 790 to 1990 CZK Tickets and contact information

To purchase online, visit the event presenter's website.

The Dvořák Prague festival has joined forces with the Czech Philharmonic and its Chief Conductor Semyon Bychkov in order to jointly follow on from the previous activities of the festival’s Opera in Concert series with a performance of Dvořák’s operatic gem.

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